> Who are we ? [English]

Who are we ? [English]

Version anglaise de Ce que nous sommes

Proletarian Way is a Marxist-Leninist, Communist organisation.
As Communists, we firmly believe that we are not bound to accept Capitalism, the inevitability of the crisis, material and moral strife and wars : the alternative involves fighting for a society of men and women bound by common purpose to take up the reigns of their own destiny, rather than surrendering to the future the bourgeoisie holds in store for us. It is true that workers can take power then let it slip out of their hands. The USSR and China were a source of hope. Today they are capitalist countries. But we refuse to turn our back on the valuable lessons that experiences such as the Paris Commune, the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Revolution and especially the Cultural Revolution hold. We still have a lot to learn from them in order to better overcome current difficulties and those that lie ahead.
As Communists, we fight so that the exploited can wipe out the power and the bourgeoisie (their government, their parliament, their police and their army) in order to wield power for themselves over the whole of society. This power will never be real if it is not accompanied by a complete turnaround in the relations between people, between men and women, in the division of labour and labour itself. It can only be brought about by mass violence.
As Communists, we defend the interests of the workers as a whole, not the interests of France. Nationalism and racism only serve to divide us : they are blind alleys for the workers. We stand against Imperialism, especially French Imperialism, shoulder to shoulder with oppressed peoples, upholding their right to independence.
An organisation is needed to resist and fight, but also to understand and learn from the struggle. We need such an organisation to ensure that our action is guided by the experiences of the past. We need such an organisation so that individual practices and knowledge can become a source of inspiration for all through discussion and debate. We need such an organisation so that increasing numbers of committed workers will rally to the fight for Communism.

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