> Truth and Justice for Nahel and all victims of police crimes (...)

Truth and Justice for Nahel and all victims of police crimes !

Against the state, against the racists, against the system, unconditional support for the revolt of the youth of popular neighborhoods !

These young people who confront the police every night are the children of the most exploited, oppressed and despised segment of our class, the working class. The ones who have the choice between unemployment and shitty jobs, the ones who have been warehoused colonially in housing estates. They are the daily victims of racism and class contempt.

Young people are right to fight the police : it’s the armed wing of the state that can’t be improved, and we have to fight it to the bitter end. In a class-based society, the police have always been and always will be at the service of the exploiters, the enemies of the proletarians. Racism, and more generally fascistic ideas, permeate a majority of police officers, and explain their daily outburst of violence. Yes, police = murderers !

Yes, the revolt is sometimes confused. But rioting is the only way these young people can fight, it’s their experience, their resistance. Riot is the historic expression of the anger and despair of the most oppressed. How can you blame them for burning down schools, when the education system has scorned and rejected you, when you’re struggling from one little job to the next or on welfare ? How can you blame them for looting shops when every day you’re trying to survive poverty and the media are extolling consumerism and every man for himself ? How can we blame them for burning cars when it’s the only way to make our voices heard ?
There’s no point crying over the limits of the revolt of the youth of the projects. Its limits, its impasses, are only the consequence of the limits of the working class itself.
This "Left" that gives lessons to the rioters, what has it done to organize and educate the proletarians of the housing estates ? Rotted by chauvinism and opportunism, this gentrified Left - even the one that claimed to be communist - bears responsibility for the depoliticization and disarray of the youth in the popular neighborhoods it has abandoned. What are the results of decades of electoralism and legalism ?
There’s no "ensavaging" of the estates, nor are the children any worse educated than before. How can you look after your children when you work shifts and come home exhausted at night ? It’s not the fault of social media or video games, as the old idiots keep saying. Remember the revolts in Vaux-en-Velin or Chanteloup-les-Vignes. In the 70s, 80s and 90s, there was no Internet. It’s always the same oppression, the same criminal police force, that incites people to revolt.

Behind the behavior of the police, behind government reactions, behind the hostility of the petty-bourgeois and even part of the proletariat to the revolt in the neighborhoods, there is the racism so strong in our imperialist and post-colonial society. There’s a double standard depending on your social class and skin color. When reactionary FNSEA farmers burn down public buildings, nobody calls for shooting into the crowd of rioters. If Nahel had been a white, uptown petty-bourgeois, there wouldn’t be so many people apologizing for his murder.

To be a Communist, to be a revolutionary, is to consider, as Mao said, that the masses are "always right to rebel". This national uprising is a sign of the more or less latent civil war that runs permanently through capitalist-imperialist society ; a war between the exploited and the exploiters, between the oppressed and the oppressors. The rioters are our people, our daughters and sons. Our side is clear, and so much the worse for the breakage. The anger is too great.

Down with the police state !

Justice for Nahel and all victims of police crimes !

For the anti-capitalist unity of the proletariat, let’s fight racism without concession !

Let’s turn riots into consciousness and collective organization against this barbaric system !

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