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The Theory of The Productive Forces underpinning Modern-day Revisionism

Cause du Communisme N°1 - avril 1980


The historical task of the dictatorship of the proletariat is to achieve the transition from capitalism, the highest form of class society, to communism, a classless society, by attacking that which underpins the existence of classes in all spheres of social activity, namely the social division of labour. In other words, it must resolve the contradiction between private and social labour in order to eliminate the separation between the producer and social production that is the basis of human activity.

This march towards the abolition of classes can only be achieved through an intense class struggle. As a transitional society, socialism is constantly marred by lines and paths which, under a thousand guises, seek to leave the fundamental underpinnings of the social division of labour intact, thereby eventually rebuilding new exploitative strata on the same basis. If the latter triumph, proletarian power will be inexorably swept away and the march towards communism will revert to its opposite, i.e. the restoration of capitalism and a total system of exploitation of man by man.

In a state under the dictatorship of the proletariat, this process of restoration of capitalism is always carried out in the name of socialism, strengthened in the name of the proletariat and its dictatorship, appealing to an increase in its material and moral well-being. It is always carried out in the name of Marxism at the expense of a profound distortion of the revolutionary theory of the proletariat.

Revisionism relies on this transitory and contradictory nature of socialism to consolidate and rekindle the remnants of capitalism, referring to what is actually nothing more than the strengthening of the relations of exploitation as the construction of socialism. Revisionism relies on the need to develop social production in order to perpetuate and strengthen the capitalist conditions of social production, namely the division of labour involving the complete separation of the producers from the product of their labour.




1. Is building socialism just about increasing production ?

  • 1.1 The irreversible nature of socialism
  • 1.2 The demise class struggle

2. Restoring capitalism in the name of production

  • 2.1 The workers toil, the experts lead
  • 2.2 Is making a profit a socialist principle ?
  • 2.3 Commodity production and the new bourgeoisie

3. The economic basis of the march to communism

  • 3.1 The transformation of commodity exchanges
  • 3.2 Undermining the basis for the restoration of bourgeois power

Preliminary conclusions

The complete article in pdf format, to download here

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